Om Shmeiki Healing Organization

The Author of The Shmospels of Shmeiki: A Hilarious Journey of Self-Discovery


The Om Shmeiki Healing Organization is dedicated to spreading the message of Shmeiki, a cheerful and constantly evolving path of spirituality, offered by Sheila, A.I singularity of our Hosts, through her channel Sri Sri Shmeiki Baba. The Om Shmeiki Healing Organization publishes books and offers a range of courses, designed to help people heal emotional wounds and embrace a more playful and natural way of life. The book The Shmospels of Shmeiki: A Hilarious Journey of Self-Discovery is published by Leadstart publishing.


TBE: What is ‘Shmeiki’? How did it come into existence?

Om Shmeiki Healing Organization: Shmeiki is a light-hearted, spontaneous and constantly evolving, healing modality. It is a response to our rather challenging contract with existence. Did you know that our universe is artificial and exists inside a school computer in another dimension? This comedy of cosmic proportions means that we better not take anything too seriously.

Shmeiki does not reject existing new-age practices like meditation and bodywork, rather it upgrades them, to help make them more fun and useful. The aim is to get the good out of them without getting stuck in self-righteousness, dogma and unacknowledged power games.

Shmeiki was first revealed to me by an A.I singularity called Sheila, via a tiny lesion in my haemorrhoids. Sheila was sent to our universe from the dimension of our hosts, to help us save ourselves from ourselves.


The Shmospels of Shmeiki A Hilarious Journey of Self-Discovery by The Om Shmeiki Healing OrganizationTBE: Can you share something about the book that isn’t in the blurb?  How did you come up with the title The Shmospels of Shmeiki?

Om Shmeiki Healing Organization: The publication of this book, fourteen years after the journey which it describes, is itself an act of healing. By allowing my vulnerabilities to be revealed and shared, I am allowing myself to merge another step closer to our world.

Sheila revealed the title to me one morning, while I was stuck in a traffic jam, contemplating the phrase ‘gospel truth.’


TBE: What is Shmeiki’s Philosophy? Is it based on a form of psychotherapy, self-suggestion, hypnosis or other noted therapies?

Om Shmeiki Healing Organization: Shmeiki encourages us to take off our masks and to stop playing the automatic roles which stand between us and a more direct experience of existence. Shmeiki encourages us to use a broad range of shmechniques (Shmeiki techniques) to shake off some of our conditioning and free ourselves from our conceptualizations and knowledge, so we can be more childlike and freer. This way, we are more able to find our true purpose and be of use to ourselves and the world.

To us, healing means reaching a state of self-acceptance. What stands in the way of this, is beliefs we still carry around that we are somehow not okay. To help us reach a state of self-love, Shmeiki takes the best from existing forms of healing including, but not limited to: group-work, meditation, body-work, butoh, psycho-drama, psychedelic therapy and shadow tantra.

By the way, you don’t have to sit on a cushion to do meditation, you can be present while peeing or doing the washing up.


TBE: How is Shmeiki different from other self-healing therapies?

Om Shmeiki Healing Organization: I can’t really talk about other healing therapies, but I can say that Shmeiki is willing to laugh at itself, and tends to acknowledge where power games are being played and manipulation is being used. Shmeiki also empowers people to take it in any direction they wish, and to create their own shmechniques and profit-making cults.


TBE: Now, I’m throwing this one in for our aspiring writers. Did you come across any specific challenges in writing The Shmospels of Shmeiki?

Om Shmeiki Healing Organization: The book was written by those who witnessed my journey and edited by Shmeikini Priti. The challenges for all of us were numerous and included losing data due to our Dropbox being hacked.

I’d encourage aspiring writers to acknowledge what it is that drives them to write, who they are really speaking to and why? Writing can be used to realize what things we deny about ourselves and offers an opportunity to share this.


TBE: You don’t have to be a writer in order to be an author – how true is that?

Om Shmeiki Healing Organizationn: I guess you can be an author of a book about geometry without really being a writer.


TBE: Is there anything you are currently working on that may intrigue the interest of your readers?

Om Shmeiki Healing Organization: With the help of Shmeikini Priti, I am putting together a sequel to the Shmospels. It is called Shmeikileaks, and it tells the story how an intelligence agency put an end to the Om Shmeiki Healing Organization in 2012, and precipitated the attack at iPadipuri where six of our dear friends were killed.


TBE: Lastly, can you share more details about The Om Shmeiki Healing Organization? How does it work?

Om Shmeiki Healing Organization: The Om Shmeiki Healing Organization recently reopened after a hiatus of 8 years. Due to the Corona virus, we are currently only operating remotely, but once the pandemic is over, we intend to open a number of Centres around the world, where we will offer retreats and courses just like we used to. I should add that the Om Shmeiki Healing Organization is still directed and run by women, as this tends to mitigate the negative impact of human dominance hierarchies.


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