My Two Centuries in Africa by Carl William Henn

My Two Centuries in Africa by Carl William Henn | Book Two

Epic fights. Long flights. Mosquito bites

It's an inspiring tale of cultural understanding, resilience, and the unbreakable human spirit. Carl William Henn's wit, wisdom, and adventurous spirit leap off the pages, leaving you with a newfound appreciation for the vibrant continent that is Africa.

Title: My Two Centuries in Africa

Author: Carl William Henn

Publisher: CWH Publishing

Genre: Travel Memoir

First Publication: 2023

Language: English

Book Summary: My Two Centuries in Africa by Carl William Henn

My Two Centuries in Africa is a humorous, affectionate, intimate book about Africa. It’s a personal memoir about how a guy from Indiana accidentally spent almost 40 years in Africa and lived to tell about it. (Book Two deals with the 21st century from 2000-2020, during which time the author lived and/or worked in countries in Central, East, and Southern Africa)

On a deeper level, the book is a call to action to Americans and other Westerners to recognize and reject outdated, negative stereotypes about Africa and African people often seen in the news media and in Hollywood movies.

Is Africa really all poverty, war, disease, and corruption, as Western news media tends to portray it? No. Or is it just a big wildlife safari as the travel industry would have you believe? No. It is a lot more.

My Two Centuries in Africais a new kind of book about Africa. It’s a travel book and a memoir. It takes a peek into the daily lives, struggles, and successes of over a billion African people living on the second largest continent.

It also reveals the emotional roller-coaster life of one lost and lonely man who found love, experienced loss, overcame adversity, and gained a measure of wisdom in the process.

This large-format book (8″ X 10″) contains over 100 color pictures of African countries in which the author lived and worked. As a bonus, the author has included five extensive Spotify playlists of music from different regions of Africa. If you would like to explore African music, open the Spotify App and use it to scan the Spotify QR codes. Let the music transport you to different parts of the African continent.

Book Review - My Two Centuries in Africa by Carl William Henn

Book Review: My Two Centuries in Africa by Carl William Henn

Buckle up, fellow adventurers, because “My Two Centuries in Africa” is about to take you on a wild, exhilarating ride through the heart of Africa! Written with the charm and wit of an Indiana native who accidentally found himself in Africa for nearly four decades, this travelogue-memoir is an absolute gem that will leave you both enlightened and chuckling.

In Book One, we learned that our intrepid author, Carl William Henn, hails from the American Midwest, a place where cornfields and Hoosiers reign supreme. But boy, did this Hoosier stumble into the most unexpected adventure of a lifetime! From the moment he touched African soil as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Morocco, he was hooked. And let’s just say that Africa never really let him go after that.

Book Two picks up the baton from the turn of the millennium, and it’s a roller-coaster journey that will have you holding on tight. Carl leads us on an escapade that spans the vast landscapes of Africa, from North to South, East to West, and everywhere in between. The guy practically planted himself near the equator like it was a magnetic force pulling him in! Little did he know that he’d be sashaying through Africa for forty years and counting!

Now, you might think, “Oh, another African memoir? Cue the clichés of poverty, war, and safaris.” Well, think again! This book is as refreshing as an ice-cold soda on a scorching savannah day. Carl is on a mission to squash those outdated stereotypes about Africa like pesky mosquitoes. He brings the good, the great, and the “you won’t believe it” moments to the forefront.

Hold on, folks, because it’s time to confront the dreaded AIDS epidemic. But wait! Carl’s got his public health scientist hat on, and he’s here to separate fact from fiction. No sensationalism or wild tales of strange sexual practices here, folks! It’s all about hard data, evidence, and a dash of humor to keep things light.

As Carl dances through his adventures and misadventures, you’ll find yourself nodding in agreement and sometimes snorting with laughter. This man has lived through it all – the good, the bad, and the quirky. He’s faced love, loss, adversity, and the age-old conundrum of whether to wear shorts or pants in African weather (hey, it’s essential information, okay?).

With over 100 color pictures, it’s like flipping through Carl’s scrapbook of African escapades. And if you’re a music lover, buckle up, because this is not your typical travelogue. Carl’s included Spotify playlists featuring African beats that’ll transport you straight to the heart of the continent. Grab your dancing shoes, folks!

In a plot twist worthy of an epic African tale, Carl’s journey comes full circle when he returns home, only to be greeted by the pandemic of the century, COVID-19. We can almost picture him looking up at the skies and exclaiming, “Seriously, universe? What’s next, a plague of locusts?”

“My Two Centuries in Africa” is not just another memoir; it’s an inspiring tale of cultural understanding, resilience, and the unbreakable human spirit. Carl William Henn’s wit, wisdom, and adventurous spirit leap off the pages, leaving you with a newfound appreciation for the vibrant continent that is Africa.

So, grab your safari hat and a hearty sense of humor, because this book is a journey you won’t want to miss. From the bustling markets to the breathtaking landscapes, Carl’s story will have you longing to experience Africa for yourself – minus the forty-year accidental stay, of course!

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It's an inspiring tale of cultural understanding, resilience, and the unbreakable human spirit. Carl William Henn's wit, wisdom, and adventurous spirit leap off the pages, leaving you with a newfound appreciation for the vibrant continent that is Africa.My Two Centuries in Africa by Carl William Henn | Book Two