Lokesh Babu

the author of The True Self - Unlock the Chaos in You


Lokesh Babu was born in Nellore, South India in 1975, and educated at the University of Western Sydney. As the eldest son of a traditional Indian family, his life was scripted for him, and he was expected to follow the values and needs of the family. However, he defied expectations, began his own journey, and has embraced the best of eastern and western cultures. Lokesh now has a 12-year-old daughter from a previous relationship and lives with his current partner who was born in Croatia. He is a frequent public speaker and liaison to corporates, industry groups and executives.

Before he completed ‘The True Self’, Lokesh faced many challenges in his life, including inequality, separation, the death of loved ones, illness, near bankruptcy, suicide and self-harm. His recent time in India during COVID pandemic, Lokesh while caring for his father at the end of his life, he became a witness to many things. With patience and silence, he observed the thin line between life and death. It was a constant reminder to appreciate this precious life, and not to waste it on petty, egotistical selfishness. For Lokesh it feels like a natural extension of his journey of self-enquiry.

The knowledge he gained through his research into ancient teachings, which forms the basis of The True Self, has helped him to overcome them.


TBE: Can you tell us a little about your new book, ‘The True Self’? What prompted you to write this? How did you get the idea for this book?

The True Self - Unlock the Chaos in YouLokesh Babu: The True Self is a timeless journey of philosophical teachings from across history and all over the world. Told through the lens of my own life, from my troubled teenage years in India and the heartbreaking death of my mother, to the joy of fatherhood and resilience in the face of illness & time in India during COVID pandemic, caring for my father till his last breath, I became a witness to many things. This book offers a starting point for those asking the big questions in life: Who am I? Why am I here? And what is my True Self?

A spiritual guide told in an honest, intimate style The True Self is a personal journey through universal wisdom. It is also an annotated collection of philosophical texts, from ancient teachings to modern philosophy, about the purpose and meaning of life.

I never thought I will become an author. My journey with this book started back in 2015 when I started taking notes to understand meaning and purpose of life. In 2019, my friends encouraged me to elaborate on my notes and try publishing them as a book.


TBE: In the book, you talk a lot about “True Self”. Please explain what you mean by this state of mind.

Lokesh Babu: The True Self is beyond Mind and Body. You are not what you think you are because we have been conditioned to identify with our false self & ego self. You are also not your Body. And if you are not your Mind, and not your Body then who are you?

Your True Self is formless, shapeless and has no duality. It is pure consciousness which doesn’t have an expiry date. I hope reading my book can help you to understand your True Self.


TBE: Let’s talk about the goal. If ‘True Self’ means recognizing being conscious as our inner purpose and living accordingly, does it encourage passivity by making specific life goals irrelevant at the most important level?

Lokesh Babu: Knowing True Self is not a goal, it is an ongoing battle between head and the heart, which goes on until our last breath. Once our life goal is to know the true self, every other specific life goal becomes a drop in the ocean, almost irrelevant. The True Self is not interested in goals and targets. Role of True Self is being an observer to all the thoughts, emotions generated by Mind and Body.


TBE: What changes for people in their day-to-day lives when they begin to walk on the route to enlightenment? What are the consequences of this realization?

Lokesh Babu: The path to enlightenment is lonely and very personal. In this journey you become one with the universe. You are embodying higher self and you become an observer. Most people in day to day lives are looking for validation and attachment. Consequence of self-realization is that you will understand there is a distance between your True Self, Your Mind and Your Body. You become an observer to everything yet involved.


TBE: Why is your message of living authentically and finding purpose and meaning of life especially necessary for the times we’re living in?

Lokesh Babu: The chaos we see in the outer world is the reflection of chaos within us. If we need to heal the society, we need to heal ourselves first. Self-transformation is the best solution for all the chaos we see or get tangled with.

By knowing true self, you will start to see the world totally different.


TBE: Most people define happiness as depending on certain external circumstances or conditions. How do you define happiness?

Lokesh Babu: Happiness is temporary, anyone chasing happiness is bound to be unhappy at some point. When we look outside ourselves for happiness, we no longer have influence over our own happiness. True happiness is a state of inner peace and serenity. Happiness is an effect, not a cause nor a destination.


TBE: What would be the number one piece of advice you’d give to someone who is currently struggling with identity crisis?

Lokesh Babu: Understand your True Self. There is no identity with True Self. Once we identify with our False self or Ego self, that’s when we struggle with identity crisis.

The pure “I” without attachment is one unchanging consciousness or spirit or self.


TBE: How was your publishing journey with Leadstart?

Lokesh Babu: So far so good with Leadstart. Journey just started, it’s a marathon and not a sprint.


TBE: Is there anything you are currently working on that may intrigue the interest of your readers?

Lokesh Babu: Yes, but can’t reveal much. All I can say is it is another nonfiction.

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