Joshua Olatunde

the author of Adventures of Simon & Sniff - A Boy & His Nose


Mr. Josh (Joshua Olatunde) is a distinguished author and educator with a rich background in creating educational theatre productions for K-5 students in the USA since 2002. His notable works include “The J.U.I.C.E.: A STEAM Show” and “Body Talk!,” among other national touring shows. He is also the Creator and Executive Producer of “Mr. Josh’s Kool School,” an innovative multi-subject media platform. With over two decades of experience as an English, Math, and Science Tutor in New York City, Mr. Josh has collaborated with immersion programs at prestigious institutions such as Harvard University, Johns Hopkins University, and UCLA. Additionally, he is the Founder & CEO of Kool Kidz Daycare Centers in New York.

TBE: As an educator with over two decades of experience, what inspired you to create a character like Simon who was born with two brains – one in his head and one in his nose?

Joshua Olatunde: About a decade ago, I realized the level of creativity required to capture the imaginations and attention of today’s youth. I wanted to create something that offered a degree of entertainment while incorporating educational concepts to provide learning experiences for young readers. Simon & Sniff is first and foremost a series of stories deigned to influence children to read. I hope it’ll have an impact on their attention spans, word recognition, pronunciation skills and phonemic awareness.

TBE: The concept of “Brainee-O’s” in Humbleville is quite distinctive. How did you come up with this idea, and what message did you want to convey about being labeled as “different”?

Joshua Olatunde: I think we’re all “Brainee-O’s” in our own unique ways… especially when we’re being who we were created to be. The concept is rooted in the idea that we’re all special and unique, more than often what seems apparent—and when we embrace it, we’re poised to live to our potential. In recent years, however, many young people’s self-esteem hinges on their ability to be like whatever’s trending; and that’s not cool or healthy. I want to children to be okay, whoever they are. It’s important.

TBE: I’m curious about the moment when Sniff leaps from Simon’s face seeking freedom. What prompted you to explore this physical separation as a metaphor in a children’s book?

Joshua Olatunde: This scenario allows Simon to experience what many young people feel when seeking to be accepted; low self-esteem. It’s an important topic to touch on for young readers because it’s a part of the maturing process. Sniff wanting his freedom to explore and live life on his own terms is also what many children feel as they want to explore their individualism—and it’s hopefully a connection they’ll have to this character.

TBE: There’s an interesting dynamic when Simon loses his nose and experiences “few highs and many lows” while Sniff gains friends and adventures. What were you hoping young readers would understand about identity and belonging through this contrast?

Joshua Olatunde: Great question. I’m hoping readers understand the value of having the freedom to explore, while understanding that happiness, sadness and joy are emotions that should assist in propelling us towards our goals—not stifle them.

TBE: The “Find My Nose Please” app that Simon creates suggests themes of problem-solving and technology. How do you balance introducing STEM concepts with emotional storytelling in your books?

Joshua Olatunde: We all live in a world driven by innovations within STEM. The social, emotional elements of the series is its driving-force with STEM components interwoven to compliment the daily lives of these children. I’d imagine thoughts cross children’s minds when using an app or cell phone to question, “How does this actually work? What if I made my own app?” From coding to more basic STEM concepts, I think it’s important to leverage daily life and the things kids to do introduce how innovative technologies work and their role in it.

TBE: The line “To chase the freedom to be happy… our most precious gift” feels like the heart of the story. Could you share how this theme connects to your work with children in educational theater and at Kool Kidz Daycare Centers?

Joshua Olatunde: The one topic I impress upon the youth I work with daily is ‘opportunity.’ Depending upon where you’re from in our world, marginalization and ‘a lack of’ chances or access to achieving personal goals seem distant. It’s often a mind-state that can be altered through perception. I want my readers and students to understand that they can access the lives they want by believing, working toward it and never quitting until their goals are met.

TBE: I noticed that Sniff has a red hat and rocket boots, which seem to symbolize adventure and independence. What role do you think imagination plays in helping children develop confidence?

Joshua Olatunde: I think imagination is all-encompassing for children to develop self-confidence. If they can imagine their potential, no matter how distant it seems, and begin working towards those goals they will move forward with a confidence that will ultimately manifest whatever they’re seeking. I’m a huge advocate of this and have seen it happen with former students who once hoped to become scientist, engineers, doctors and entertainers… ultimately accomplishing what they once imagined themselves doing.

TBE: Your dedication mentions “embracing the differences in people – and especially, in yourself.” How has your personal journey influenced the creation of Simon and Sniff’s world?

Joshua Olatunde: I’ve been lucky enough to have lived and traveled across the world; sometimes being immediately accepted into various culture’s and other times, it was a much slower process. No matter, I’ve learned to stay on the path of my life’s purpose, remain confident and I love encouraging children to do the same. Simon (in particular) represents the idea of embracing personal uniqueness, loving himself and sharing his gifts with the world.

TBE: What adventures can readers expect in future installments of Simon and Sniff’s journey together?

Joshua Olatunde: I’ve written the first three stories and readers can expect to travel through Humbleville with Simon and Sniff, meet new cool and awesome characters, learn about STEM and geography, and laugh uncontrollably!


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Adventures of Simon & Sniff: A Boy & His Nose by Joshua Olatunde
  • Publisher: Joshua Olatunde
  • Genre: Children’s Graphic Novel
  • First Publication: 2025
  • Language: English

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