How to Read Your Husband Like a Book

How to Read Your Husband Like a Book by Rajasekar KS

Publisher: Leadstart publishing | Genre: Family & Relationship

With this book, you can gain an understanding of your husband's brain and establish an understanding of your relationship based on love and trust. Synthesizing research findings on how a husband thinks, what makes him respond the way he does, his reaction to certain situations that crop up in married life and what a wife can do to avoid friction, this book presents guiding principles that can improve any relationship.

Title: How to Read Your Husband Like a Book

Author: Rajasekar KS

Publisher: Leadstart publishing

Genre: Family & Relationship

First Publication: 2021

Language: English


Book Summary: How to Read Your Husband Like a Book by Rajasekar KS

In a world where the husband-wife relationship is good fodder for stand-up comedy, this easy-to-read book offers fresh insight into the inner workings of a “husband’s mind”.

Through humorous nuggets and simple illustrations, this book explains how a husband ‘thinks’, what makes him ‘respond’ the way he does, his ‘reaction’ to certain situations that crop up in married life and what a wife can do to avoid friction and get her own way.

So, all newly married women out there and even those who’ve been married for years and losing hair thinking about why they forget your birthday, leave wet towels on the bed, don’t notice your new hair style, watch TV when you talk to them – pick up this book and laugh your way through marriage! Husbands, it’s time to laugh at yourselves!

Book Review - How to Read Your Husband Like a Book

Book Review: How to Read Your Husband Like a Book by Rajasekar KS

Many romantic relationships begin with the question: “What is my partner thinking?” and with good reason. Each person experiences love differently, with their own habits, needs, and reactions to conflict. Fortunately, most people’s minds work in predictable ways and respond well to security, attachment, and rituals, making it possible to actually neurologically prime the brain for greater love and fewer conflicts.

In ‘How to Read Your Husband Like a Book’, Rajasekar KS shares his insights about the little, often overlooked, unexpected actions that make a big difference in your relationship. This book shows you how to create an intimate and joyful union with your partner with simple, positive actions throughout the day. It answers questions, clears things up, displays surprising realities, and just makes it all around easier to understand the men in your life. It was kind of fun and refreshing just for the writing style.

With this book, you can gain an understanding of your husband’s brain and establish an understanding of your relationship based on love and trust. Synthesizing research findings on how a husband thinks, what makes him respond the way he does, his reaction to certain situations that crop up in married life and what a wife can do to avoid friction, this book presents guiding principles that can improve any relationship.

Although love is an art and science that’s difficult to predict, if you can figure out how you and your partner are wired differently, you’ll be better able to overcome any differences you may have. ‘How to Read Your Husband Like a Book’ is sort of a “linguistics” course designed to teach you how to speak your husband’s language. Besides cultivating a sense of humor about your male and female differences, you’ll see how to open dialogue with him – and keep it going, frame what you’re saying with masculine interest areas, respond proactively to what your husband shares, and develop thicker skin.

Based on a decade of experience in the matchmaking industry, Rajasekar KS changes the way couples talk to, think about, and treat each other. In this book, he delivers relationship insights that take your marriage from “just fine” to “just the marriage you’ve always dreamed of.” His writing is very personable and he does not beat a dead horse making the same point over and over. There are some obvious differences that mostly everyone knows and the author Rajasekar doesn’t dwell on these, but rather focuses his book on those aspects of male personality and behavior that might surprise women. The book is not full of statistics, it is really more of a narrative of his findings from his experience.

Packed with eye-opening research and practical advice, this book will make your relationship better than you imagined. Overall, it’s extremely insightful in how husbands think and react differently from wives and how wives should view and react to this difference. I have to say, though the audience is specifically women, I got some good insights into how I react and respond to things which I have to agree with, but maybe didn’t quite realize I was doing. I recommend it to any woman or man, if they would like some vocabulary to explain things.

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With this book, you can gain an understanding of your husband's brain and establish an understanding of your relationship based on love and trust. Synthesizing research findings on how a husband thinks, what makes him respond the way he does, his reaction to certain situations that crop up in married life and what a wife can do to avoid friction, this book presents guiding principles that can improve any relationship.How to Read Your Husband Like a Book by Rajasekar KS