How to Improve Thesis Writing so That it Becomes an Independent Book


Students often spend a lot of time working on their theses, dissertations, and essays. Whereas putting extra efforts to do quality work is okay, you could also turn a thesis into an independent book. Your thesis will be the basis of creating a new document targeting a new audience altogether. The new audiences are expected to be engaged, intrigued, or provoked into reading the book. This post reveals some tips on how to improve thesis writing until it is published as an independent book.


Reorganize the content

When targeting general readers, you need to introduce the intriguing, unusual, and arresting aspects of your work immediately. The theoretical discussions and background information should be highlighted later. The basic rule is to begin from the specifics and proceed to general issues and not the other way.

Focus on grabbing the attention of your readers in the introductory paragraph. The most arresting, interesting, and unusual parts of the thesis must appear first to grab the general readers’ attention. Later, you may go back to reveal the important background to the concepts and interpretation.


Remove the academic scaffolding

When writing a thesis, you are required to describe what you intend to do and the methods to do it before starting the main work. The information is presented in the form of research objectives, research questions, and hypothesis testing. After highlighting all these, you need to summarize or restate your findings, recommendations, and conclusions.

Such wrap-ups and preliminaries may not be relevant in a book because they may appear repetitive and interfere with the subject matter. The introduction and abstract are important parts of a thesis but they don’t form part of a book. Ordinary readers are interested in the main subject matter and thus, any statement such as “this chapter introduces….” must be deleted.


Focus on the key subject

Establish the most important or interesting themes and issues and concentrate on them. If you must retain background information, theory discussions, methodology, and literature surveys, move them from the initial parts of the book to the end. You may also incorporate them in relevant parts of the document but in a condensed format.

Remember, you are targeting non-specialist readers who are looking for specific but valuable information.

How your thesis appears from the beginning determines how well-structured the book is likely to be. As such, if you have any challenges with essay writing, seek help from academic writers. The best custom thesis writing service from EssayOnTime will guarantee you a quality essay that can be converted into a book with minimal effort. You can continue with your academic study process as the professional writers write your thesis. The thesis will be submitted on time and so will be the book production and publication.


Minimize scholarly apparatus

Your thesis may have an exhaustive bibliography and numerous footnotes, all geared towards impressing examiners with the research depth. After successfully impressing them, you should condense or reduce your footnotes significantly and create a reasonable bibliography.

Maintain only what could be useful to ordinary readers. Any explanatory or discursive notes should be deleted or incorporated into the main text. Restrict all notes to sources and convert them into end-notes instead of footnotes.



New writing and rewriting is important after figuring out the focus and the structure of the book. By rewriting, you will be creating new work altogether. As you rewrite, avoid using abstract and impersonal academic style, including the use of academic jargon.

A sentence should only contain one idea and it should be expressed directly.

Reduce the paragraphs and vary them to ensure the smooth and logical flow of concepts and ideas and whenever possible, use concrete nouns. Learn to use direct language as much as possible because it can be understood by ordinary readers. Use a personal, natural and unpretentious voice that the readers can relate with.

Focus on communicating effectively by realizing that you are talking to an actual and real person. Communicating to your audience is essentially moving the research from the library to the larger potential audience. As you rewrite, consider the category of the audience you are addressing, whether it is researchers, managers, self-learners or industry leaders.



As an academician, you can become a successful author targeting a general audience by following the above tips to improve thesis writing. The structure of a thesis differs significantly from that of a book, and therefore it is important to erase all academic orientation when converting a thesis into a book. Effective planning is also essential to allow you to improve writing and focus on creating a quality thesis that can easily be converted into a book.


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