G E Poole

the author of Infrequent Frequencies and Rare Resonance


G E Poole is a nothing and a nobody. Outwardly leading an ordinary life as a householder, from an early age he was drawn to physics, logic, science, philosophy and the quest for consciousness. At age 22 he entered The Work through the J.G. Bennett line of transmission through the Claymont Society. In 1982 he migrated to New Zealand to become a pupil of Sufi Shaikh Abdullah Isa Dougan.

Subsequent to the passing of Abdullah in 1987, he continued study and practice of his teachings for over 30 years. In 1990 he met Sufi Master Irina Tweedie in London, and from 1992 had substantial direct close personal contact with Taoist Master Hua Ching Ni. Presently, he resided in Queensland, Australia.

TBE: What inspired you to write this book exploring consciousness, vibration, and spiritual development?

G E Poole: It was only sheer necessity that inspired the writing of Infrequent Frequencies and Rare Resonance.

The human species is approaching the stage of the “Great Filter” that inevitably faces all advanced, advancing, living, evolving beings. Young people today are sadly, more often than not, disillusioned, suffering unprecedented levels of anxiety and depression. Too many young people have lost touch with their spiritual, religious and cultural roots and are free-falling in a world that seems senseless, materialistic, increasingly unnatural, dysfunctional and alien to them.

The traditional religions often now leave them uninspired, and confused as they witness the senseless fighting and conflict between the adherents of the outer forms of the faiths today. Young people are seeking answers to what life is about, but the ground of what once seemed certain and stable is shifting beneath them as materialism pervades and technology advances unguided and uncontrolled. They often feel as if they are heading for a dystopian future and that life is meaningless.

Murshid Hazrat Inayat Khan had a tremendous vision for humanity and was, with Swami Vivekananda, the modern era pioneer of showing the inner truth of the great major faiths of spiritual teachings. Young people deserve to know the truth, as the truth can set them and everyone free.

Knowing our Source, selflessly serving others, and focusing on spiritual development is the principal worthwhile aim, the master endeavor. This is a science and an art, to consciously raise the personal vibration and resonate with higher frequencies.

TBE: You describe humans as being part of an “Experiment of Consciousness”. Can you elaborate on what you mean by this?

G E Poole: An Experiment of Consciousness is a conscious experiment. That is, higher consciousness descends into the lower, material realms for the purpose of re-ascending to Know Self. Most people assume, for example, that the Sun and the Earth are lifeless, inanimate, spheres of hydrogen, helium, magma, rock, soil, material elements. The truth is that the Holy Father the Sun and our Holy Mother the Earth are highly conscious beings, three-brained beings like humans on a far greater scale, with a moving-instinctive centre, an emotional centre and an intellectual centre. They also have spiritual parts and far higher purposes. We were created in their image, and in the image of yet higher conscious entities along the scale up the ray of creation and manifestation all the way to The Tao, The Endlessness, the One, The Source.

In our Solar System, the Sun and the Earth scientifically, miraculously, consciously co- created life from inorganic matter. It did not happen by happenstance. Life gradually evolved over millions of years. In order for the Sun and the Earth to further evolve and meet their cosmic obligatory requirements, and to fulfill their own potential, experiments in consciousness are required to be given birth. An experiment can succeed or fail. There were some prior experiments to human primates that failed. If human beings fail as an experiment, in the fullness of time, there will arise another.

That is, a species, will be mutated to evolve the third-brain of the Intellect, just as we did. This is achieved through radiation bursts and other means. How is it determined whether a species is ‘successful’ or ‘unsuccessful’? If that species transcends its animal, material origins, and evolves into higher vibrational, spiritual consciousness, or at least a significant number of those beings do so, a critical mass, then that is one indication of success. A better way to understand ‘success’ is fulfilment of purpose. An octave has been raised at that point and for the Solar System and the gate is opened to transformation and transcendence. A moon can become a planet, a planet can become a sun, a sun can become a galaxy. Although to some this may seem like ‘science fiction,’ it is the natural course of reality.

TBE: The book touches on many different fields – science, religion, mysticism, physics, etc. How did you go about synthesizing ideas from such diverse areas?

G E Poole: It’s a bit difficult to explain. All of this just came to me, or rather came through me. Have always had from an early age intense interest in science, mathematics, sound, music, philosophy. Always yearned to know how things work and why. To find out.

Studied the works of the ancient and modern philosophers and read and studied every part of each of the sacred books of each of the great faiths from Hindu, to Buddhist, to Zoroastrian, to Judaism, to Christianity, to Islam. Reading and study is necessary but, alone, never suffices; it is the practice that counts. Hazrat Inayat Khan was 100% on target and accurate, the same light of truth comes through each faith, given out at different times, under very different conditions, for different purposes.

TBE: You write about “Resonance Beings” who have attained higher levels of consciousness. Can you explain more about who these individuals are and their significance?

G E Poole: All of humanity owes a debt of gratitude to India. India has produced the greatest proportion of Resonance Beings – spiritually evolved adepts, prophets and teachers. All regions and nations have contributed their share. India has excelled.

Where did Yoga arise from? Who wrote the sacred Bhagavad Gita or the Upanishads? Examples? Swami Ramdass was a master Resonance Being at the level of Human 5. Vivekananda was a Human 5, as was Murshid Hazrat Inayat Khan. Mataji Krishnabai and Swami Ramakrishna were Human 4 advanced, evolved beings. Master Aivanov and Irina Tweedie were Resonance Beings. My own teacher Sufi Master Murshid Abdullah Isa Dougan was one such genuine Resonance Being, a Human Number 5, and that was evident from the moment we met. Also direct, personal contact with an advanced Taoist teacher strongly influenced the course of my journey. Such beings are very rare and, and most often, hidden from any publicity or any public presence. There teachings are accessible to their pupils and in their books. They are quietly helping humanity along in the background.

TBE: What do you hope readers will take away from your exploration of vibration, frequency and resonance as it relates to human potential?

G E Poole: Inspiration and motivation. Inspiration to know that the world is not the way you have been led or conditioned to believe, that there is a matrix underlying the illusion we take to be reality, and that you can be liberated. Motivation to work sincerely on oneself without seeking any reward, to improve and evolve and raise the personal and collective vibration. To aspire to resonate with the pure and higher. Further inspiration to know you are not your body and that the spiritual is the ground of reality. Returning into the ground of metaphysics. The hope is that readers will find inspiration and resonate with Hope.

TBE: You’ve studied under several spiritual teachers over the years. How have those experiences shaped your perspective and the ideas in this book?

G E Poole: As clearly stated in the book, these ideas are from my Teacher and spiritual Master, Pir O Murshid Abdullah Isa Dougan. Only the ideas in the chapter around death and dying, came through the writer, and through Tibetan sources.

Abdullah was a Resonance Being, a very rare Human 5, he ascended from the unconscious to the conscious or the course of many years of working on himself. He drew from diverse, Gnostic, Hindu, Sufi sources and, further, from what came directly through to him through his Guide to the Conscience. He was absolutely remarkable, and gave out a conscious teaching for the benefit of humanity. His teachers were Hazrat Inayat Khan, Swami Ramdas, and George Gurdjieff. He met Mataji Krishnabai and gave one his paintings during the 40 day fast on water alone.

All of this is recorded in detail in his pivotal book 40 days, An Account of a Discipline. Everything is attributed to Abdullah as the source. The book is only an introduction to the Work ideas. There is no substitute for knowledge from the direct Source.

TBE: The book challenges many common assumptions about reality and human existence. Were you at all hesitant to put forth such unconventional ideas?

G E Poole: Yes, of course, there was considerable hesitation. Which is why is has taken so long to publish and release this book. My prior writings were merely mundane contributions to psychology textbooks and research papers. Who is this insignificant human being to release such powerful truths to the wider world? A nothing and a nobody. Yet, it seems no one else was presently doing it, and these truths must be shared for the people in the world who can or will benefit from them.

There is, of course, a school of thought that says esoteric, inner knowledge should be carefully guarded and concealed, and never released to the masses of the public. That idea was based on the premise that doing so is like ‘throwing pearls before swine,’ and that the pure knowledge would be diluted, distorted, debased, and become a ‘plaything’ for the masses of unconscious persons. That was always a risk, of course, but now in the first half of the 21st century the internet is pervasive and omnipresent. There is a vast library available to everyone and anyone seeking inner knowledge. It is very difficult to conceal much of anything nowadays, and why should real knowledge be concealed from the seekers of truth who may benefit from it?

TBE: You touch on the concept of “spiritual death” for a portion of the population. Can you clarify what you mean by this provocative idea?

G E Poole: Well, it’s just a fact. Approximately 50% of the population of the Earth, of about 4 billion of the 8 billion or so currently come into this incarnation as their last. They are spiritually dead and have not come in with the Magnetic Centre. This is not to judge them. The spiritually dead are just existing in another state of consciousness. They are materialists, they believe in the body, and that when the body dies, there is just nothing else. They are often sceptics and atheists, but not agnostics. They tend to deny with the intellect. They would have come in with Magnetic Centres in past incarnations, but lost them, because of how they lived their past lives.

Some of the spiritually dead purport to be ‘religious’ and often become leaders in outer form religions. Many of the spiritually dead become politicians. Or if they were not spiritually dead when they entered politics, they died from remaining in politics.

Foremost, the spiritually dead are materialists; materialists in deed regardless of what they claim to profess. Almost all criminals, individuals prone to violence, religious fanatics, scammers, frauds, drugs manufacturers and dealers are among the spiritually dead. Many of the wealthy and ‘successful’ are as dead as the Dodo. They have buried the Conscience, which is the Active Force of the Sun. They have lost their internal guidance system and can do nearly anything, say anything, and justify anything, and they do harm to others. Many drug users are among the spiritually dead, but may have originally had a Magnetic Centre, but the drugs killed their soul, especially toxic substances such as methamphetamine.

Look, if you understand that around half of the population is made up of the spiritually dead, you can fully understand why and how the world operates as it does. It’s just a matter-of-fact, although, granted, it can seem shocking. This teaching was given out by the Essenes and comes through the esoteric understanding of the Christian Gospels, as well as esoterically through other Faiths. The spiritually dead will escape the rounds of lives and deaths in a negative, unconscious way, as failed individual experiments. They will have lost the properties, and the faculty of individuality. Rest in Peace.

Is there any hope of redemption for the spiritually dead? Of course there is. They could re-ignite the Magnetic Centre just for the asking, but most would never want it or understand the need. Sometimes in crisis, the exception proves the rule. There are wonderful exceptions of those ‘born again’ in the sense of re-igniting the Magnetic Centre, and returning from the land of the living dead.

TBE: What practical advice would you give to someone looking to raise their own vibrational frequency and consciousness based on the principles in your book?

G E Poole: You must first make the body obedient, and build up an observing part, the name part, a more real part than just the imaginary ego. As part of this process, the Magnetic Centre can gradually grow to become a Soul. There are stages and steps far beyond that such as destroying the ego, but that is way down the track.

The main thrust is to start building self by improvement and sincere work on self which raises vibration. Selfless-service to others without seeking reward and bearing with the displeasing manifestations of others (tolerance) is also essential to raising vibration. There are specific methods, exercises, meditations, prayers, given out in the book.

All of this stuff is very practical, not some high-blown, airy-fairy notion of palaces in the sky. We have to do the hard yards, the best we can in order to ascend, and to till the ground for Grace to descend. It requires persistence and sustained effort.

TBE: After exploring these big questions about existence and consciousness, what do you see as humanity’s greatest challenge or opportunity going forward?

G E Poole: Humanity is rapidly approaching the Great Filter in the 21st Century. Human beings will need to rise above their animal, lower selves in order to survive and pass through the Great Filter. Human beings at this point could easily destroy our own species, and much of life on Earth, through mutual reciprocal destruction, also known commonly as war, or through suffocating in self-produced waste.

Continuing to release vast amounts of carbon pollution into the air from burning fossil fuels, desecrating the environment of our Holy Mother the Earth with chemicals, and plastics and sewerage is not going to lead to anything other than a self-destruction. Human activity has already significantly disrupted many of the natural vibrations, patterns, and magnetic fields on our life-staining Planet. We are at a crossroads. We have choice because we were born into an organic life on the Planet of Choice. We will need to reach out for help from higher Consciousness as well as improving ourselves and changing our ways.

TBE: You’ve had a lifelong interest in science, philosophy and spirituality. How do you see the relationship between those domains, especially in light of your book’s themes?

G E Poole: In the 21st Century, as never before there is a convergence emerging between science and mysticism. Quantum Physics and String Theory opened the portal and led the way.

Dr James Lovelock and his Gaia concept was a major catalyst, as well as mathematician Prof Steven Strogatz. The works of these researchers and thinkers is cited and acknowledged in the book as well pioneers such as Fritjof Capra and supremely gifted mathematician Srivasa Ramanujan. My big first learnings were that All is Vibration, and that the Divine is present in everyone and everything.

TBE: What’s next for you as an author and spiritual seeker? Are you planning any follow-up works to further develop these ideas?

G E Poole: Well, we just have to persist and keep sweeping the floor. The story is recounted of the pupils who rushed to the humble home of the Master when there were storms and earthquakes and it seemed the world was ending. At the time he was sweeping the floor with a broom. They excitedly asked him what he was going to do. He turned, smiled, and calmly and quietly responded, “Well, I’m going to just carry on sweeping the floor.”

Any further books will depend upon the response to the present one and if the need arises. People seeking truth deserve to have accurate sources to inspire and help them along. Work needs to be done on presenting the truths of Objective Psychology and several other potential topics, but we shall see if the need, demand or opportunity presents.


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