Edge of Oblivion by A L Zuniga The Elder Scrolls - Zaneta's Chronicles Part Two

Edge of Oblivion by A L Zuniga | The Elder Scrolls – Zaneta’s Chronicles: Part Two

The Elder Scrolls - Zaneta's Chronicles: Part Two

As in the preceding book, Adrian's writing in the Edge of Oblivion is infused with a cinematic style, immersing readers in a world of enchantment while also emphasizing geographical aspects, food, and wildlife that lend appeal and intrigue to the continent of Morrowind.

Title: Edge of Oblivion

Author: A L Zuniga

Series: The Elder Scrolls – Zaneta’s Chronicles (Book 2)

Publisher: Adrian L. Zuniga

Genre: Fantasy, Adventure

First Publication: 2020

Language: English


Book Summary: Edge of Oblivion by A L Zuniga

Edge of Oblivion by A L Zuniga The Elder Scrolls - Zaneta's Chronicles Part TwoCasper, Wyoming-based creative novelist Adrian Lee Zuniga’s second installment of his trilogy The Elder Scrolls – Žaneta’s Chronicles, is available now on Amazon. “The Edge of Oblivion,” revisits old familiar cities as Žaneta crosses through mountains and imperial sites. Steeped in unadulterated emotion, the novel reveals the momentum and allies gained during Žaneta’s mission to find her family.

Part two begins with Žaneta’s ship as it ports in Narsis on the mainland of Morrowind. From here, she uncovers the name of who’s behind stealing her children while searching for any signs that will lead her to them. The thrilling second installment follows Part One: Vvardenfell without missing a beat, and leads into Part Three: The Lost Mane for a spectacular conclusion. Steadily following the tradition of the previous book, “The Edge of Oblivion” infuses a cinematic approach to Adrian’s writings, transporting readers into a world of magic while continuing its path of emphasizing details such as location, food, and creatures that made the land of Morrowind intriguing and captivating.

In 2008, Adrian Lee Zuniga completed a guidebook for respiratory care, but something was pulling him to the world of creative writing. Simultaneously, at that time, he also picked up an affinity for music and began formal instruction on the violin. The addition of music and his family in 2013 influenced his novels and were very instrumental to his creative future. After completing the trilogy, Adrian’s fan base has given rave reviews, and his books are now ready to be fully recognized. By simple word of mouth, knowledge of the trilogy is spreading and many individuals are fully immersed, allowing their imagination to transport them to this exceptional fantasy fiction land.

“The Elder Scrolls – Žaneta’s Chronicles” is available on Amazon, and fans can also purchase the audiobooks through Audible.


Book Review: Edge of Oblivion by A L Zuniga

Against the backdrop of a surreal landscape of Vvardenfell, Žaneta, a unique Khajiit living on, is afflicted by vicious attacks on her family. She looks for any clues that may help her find her children after docking in Narsis on Morrowind’s mainland, while unraveling the identity of the one responsible for their kidnapping. She reminisces about her emotional history through the mountains and Imperial territory, as she passes through familiar cities. Then she gets dragged down to hell and back again. In the process of searching for her family, she develops momentum and allies, while learning that time and space are very different concepts.

As in the preceding book, Adrian’s writing in the Edge of Oblivion is infused with a cinematic style, immersing readers in a world of enchantment while also emphasizing geographical aspects, food, and wildlife that lend appeal and intrigue to the continent of Morrowind. After a thrilling second installment, Part Three: The Lost Mane puts a dramatic end to the story. I highly recommend all three Elder Scrolls books by Zuniga.

About Adrian Lee Zuniga

Adrian Lee Zuniga started professionally writing in 2015. At this time, he began completing several drafts and storyline alterations while pursuing artwork to accompany his writings. In search of an artist who can bring his words to life by putting real consistent faces to his characters, Adrian teamed up with an overseas illustrator in 2019. He is still in contact with the reputable artist, and together they continue to dabble in character art. The goal is to get complete awareness of this trilogy to the public, finish licensure with Zenimax, and then go on to the movies. Poised and on track, Adrian is sure to bring his characters to the screens of cinematic lovers and fantasy fiction enthusiasts.

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As in the preceding book, Adrian's writing in the Edge of Oblivion is infused with a cinematic style, immersing readers in a world of enchantment while also emphasizing geographical aspects, food, and wildlife that lend appeal and intrigue to the continent of Morrowind.Edge of Oblivion by A L Zuniga | The Elder Scrolls - Zaneta's Chronicles: Part Two