Reader's Corner

6 Literary Podcasts For Bookish People To Listen : Words In Your Ears

After reading a book, you always wanted to talk about it so badly, but you can’t find a person with whom you can talk...

7 Biography Everyone Should Read

A Moveable Feast Author: Ernest Hemingway It’s an auto biography or memoir by American author Ernest Hemingway. The book is about his years as a young,...

8 Tips for Hosting Successful Book Club Meeting When No One has Read the Book

Most of the Book Clubs are started with a fair bit of optimism. Host assumes that everyone will read the book and club will...

7 Compelling and Unconventional Science Fiction Books

Science fiction is the most argued and discussed over genre in literature. Every year tons of crappy sci-fi novels get published. Sturgeon’s Law states “90%...

5 Ways How Reading Makes You More Creative

5 ways How reading makes you more creative, more productive and more energetic.The health and psychological benefits of reading books has been subject of...


The Lost Queen by Signe Pike

