Reader's Corner

      The Enduring Joy of Rereading Books

      Explore the enduring joy of revisiting old friends through the power of rereading books. Discover how each return to familiar stories offers new perspectives and insights, reflecting personal growth and evolving worldviews.

      Beyond the Prestige: Why Do Some Readers Find Booker Prize Winners Boring?

      Explore the reasons why some readers find Booker Prize winners boring and how stylistic choices, thematic focus, and historical settings contribute to this perception. Discover why adjusting expectations and embracing literary challenges can lead to a deeper appreciation of these celebrated works.

      Gambling as Metaphor: Fate, Risk, and the Allure of Chance in Literature

      Discover how authors use gambling as a lens to probe existential questions about human vulnerability, fate, and the complexities of life.

      If Jane Austen Was a Fictional Character

      Explore the intriguing concept of imagining Jane Austen as a fictional character in various literary scenarios. Dive into the possibilities of her navigating Regency-era social satire, modern-day challenges, and even metafictional awareness. Discover how such a reinterpretation sheds new light on Austen's works, her personality, and her enduring legacy.

      Don’t Judge a Book By Its Cover? Easier Said Than Done! A Design Deep-Dive

      We've all heard the old adage "don't judge a book by its cover." It's one of those nuggets of wisdom our teachers, parents and...


