
Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer

Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer is a non-fiction account of the life of Christopher McCandless, a young man who, upon graduating from college in 1990, gave away all his money and took up a life of wandering the country, mostly in the western and southwestern states.

Book Review: Grit Gravel and Gear by Dhruv Bogra

Title: Grit Gravel and GearAuthor: Dhruv BograGenre: Adventure/Travel, Non-FictionPublisher: The Write placeLanguage: EnglishNarration Type: First person narration by Author Dhruv Bogra.  Book Summary: Grit Gravel and Gear Twenty-two...

Book Review: Dream Beyond Shadows by Kartikeya Ladha

Title: Dream Beyond Shadows Author: Kartikeya Ladha Genre: Travel, Non Fiction First Publication: 2018 Language: English  Book Summary: Dream Beyond ShadowsSeated on a chair with a pair of eyes fixed at...


