
Only Thoughts: Philosophy of Everything by Sujal Sahu

Sujal Sahu's "Only Thoughts: Philosophy of Everything" is a daring and audacious effort to lay a sound philosophical basis and a coherent theory of everything.

Anatomy of a Broken Heart by Victoria Onica

In Anatomy of a Broken Heart, Victoria Onica examines the most difficult aspect of a relationship—heartbreak—and offers a method for overcoming it and emerging from the experience stronger, bolder, and emotionally evolved.

I Am Only Human by Georgi Danov

Georgi Danov's I Am Only Human looks at the question psychologists have been asking for over a hundred years - why are we the way we are? It starts with us, humans, our mind and behaviour, broadening out to look at our relationships with society.

Book Review: Losing the Atmosphere by Vivian Conan

Losing the Atmosphere is the courageous account of Vivian Conan's experiences with Dissociative Identity Disorder and the understanding of how her experiences led to its development. In the book, she tells her story of how she endured an abusive, neglectful childhood, and created distinct dissociative identity as a coping mechanism to shield herself from the physical and mental pain she endured.

Man’s Search For Meaning by Viktor E Frankl

Man's Search for Meaning is written by a psychologist who survived several Nazi concentration camps and on his journey observed all the different reactions, choices and mindsets of people who survived WWII and those who didn't.


