Science Fiction

The Stand by Stephen King

The Stand by Stephen King opens on a man-made apocalypse - a designer flu has escaped from an American military laboratory. Within weeks, only a fifth of humanity lives.

Books about Pandemic to read While Social Distancing during Corona Virus

With news of the corona virus outbreak, books about pandemic popping up on reading lists around the globe. With stakes so high, it’s easy to see why writers find outbreaks of disease so compelling.

Fait Accompli by Anubhav Shankar

'Fait Accompli’ by Anubhav Shankar begins in Russia in 1941 on a late afternoon when the weather is heavy and everyone can feel that something is about to happen and it does, in the worse(!) way imaginable.

Book Review: Silver Hair Sins by Saumick Pal

The central theme in Silver Hair Sins has been picked up: man managed to create an "inferior" version of man in order to make use of that product for their own benefit: as slaves, as company.

6 Pioneering Inventions Inspired by Science Fiction

Inventions Inspired by Science Fiction has a long history. So many outlandish creations inspired real research. You may not immediately believe it, but future...


