
The Waiting Lounge by Chet Kamal Parkash

The Waiting Lounge tells the story of a man's journey through grief, and anyone who has been through the loss of a loved one knows that the pain never ends.

Lies Look Like Love by Bijaya Kumar Mishra

Lies Look Like Love is a mind-bending whirligig of a novel that is fiendishly smart and full of twists and turns. It's a hall of mirrors where everything, even the people who live there, is a distorted image of themselves.

A Marriage, an Affair, and a Friendship by Sabarna Roy

Sabarna Roy weaves a very intricate and immersive tale in A Marriage, an Affair, and a Friendship. He manages to simultaneously explore individual identity, relationships, family and the experience of cultural and societal expectations...

You Are a Zero by Rohit Sai Chetla

Everyone doesn't cope with situations the same way, and problems that may seem minimalistic to you, can send the next person into depression. We all have our own ways of working through our issues, and some have a much harder time than others. You Are a Zero by Rohit Sai Chetla is a coming-of-age story. But it is also so much more than that. It is a story about a boy named Arjun, a teen with high hopes and happy life.

Messily Married by Abhishek Bhattacharya

Told in alternating timelines, we see how Shreya and Abhinav meet, fall in love and ultimately find their marriage falling apart. What happens when love is no longer enough? Messily Married tells the story of two soul mates who met, fall in love and built a future together. A future which led to marriage and starting a family.


