Book Review

      Orbital by Samantha Harvey

      Discover the breathtaking journey of 'Orbital' by Samantha Harvey, a nominee of the Booker Prize 2024 longlist, that combines philosophical musings with poetic prose, set aboard the International Space Station. Join six astronauts as they explore the fragility of Earth and the depths of humanity.

      Held by Anne Michaels

      Anne Michaels' latest novel, "Held", is Longlisted for the 2024 Booker Prize. It's a lyrical masterpiece explores themes of love, loss, and memory through an intricate, non-linear narrative.

      The Witch of the Breton Woods by Jennifer Ivy Walker

      Jennifer Ivy Walker has done it again, folks. After enchanting us with her medieval fantasy trilogy that began with "The Wild Rose and the...

      Infrequent Frequencies, Rare Resonance by G E Poole

      Discover the mind-bending journey through consciousness and reality in G.E. Poole's "Infrequent Frequencies, Rare Resonance."

      My Friends by Hisham Matar

      Discover the poignant exploration of friendship and exile in Hisham Matar's "My Friends," a Booker Prize 2024 longlisted novel. Join us as we delve into the lives of Khaled, Mustafa, and Hosam in this deeply moving and beautifully written story.


