Author's Corner

      Mae Gosaynie

      Mae Gosaynie is a citizen of the United States born to parents of Middle Eastern descent. She possesses two Bachelor’s degrees: One in Biology...

      Nitin Sisodia

      Nitin Sisodia is a Bachelor of Electronics Engineering, currently residing in Thane. With over fifteen years of experience in Digital Technology, he has also...

      Aditi Bathia

      Aditi Bathia is an insights consultant by profession, currently employed with a leading management-consulting firm, who loves uncovering peoples’ said and unsaid intentions and...

      Mallikarjun B Mulimani

      Mallikarjun B Mulimani is a versatile writer. He writes novellas, novels, long and short poems including haikus. His books and style of writing, where...

      Akhilesh Tilotia

      Akhilesh Tilotia, an MBA from IIM-Ahmedabad, is a private sector professional who ventured into the hallowed portals of government.A keen observer of the economic,...


