Author Interview

      Jennifer Ivy Walker

      Enthralled with legends of medieval knights and ladies, dark fairy tales and fantasies about Druids, wizards and magic, Jennifer Ivy Walker always dreamed of becoming a writer. She fell in love with French in junior high school, continuing her study of the language throughout college, eventually becoming a high school teacher and college professor of French.

      Rohini Ralby

      From an early age, Rohini Ralby was committed to finding the best teachers in every field she pursued. Originally from the Boston area, she completed her undergraduate studies at Washington University in St. Louis and earned a graduate degree at Mills College.

      Suhana Bhambhani

      Suhana Bhambhani is a former investment banker with an eminent zeal for writing. Live a well-balanced life, giving time to your family, friends, work and self-spirituality is her motto. She gives her best writing in creative content and article scripting. The Unproposed Guy is her debut novel.

      Luanne Castle

      Luanne Castle has been a Fellow at the Center for Ideas and Society at the University of California, Riverside. She studied English and Creative...

      Sana Altaf

      Sana Altaf, the author of Forgotten Tales: Stories from the Kashmir Valley, was born in winter in Kashmir. As she learned to take her first steps and utter her first words; the world around her was changing.


