Author Interview

      Monica Iyengar

      Monica Iyengar, the author of Work Hard-ly, pursued a bachelors in science with mathematics as major and followed it up with an MBA. She has 15 years’ experience in sales and business management managing large teams in various organizations.

      Author Interview: Subhashini Prasad | The Author of Not Really Indian

      Subhashini Prasad was born Indian, raised Indonesian, educated American and professionally groomed to call the world her oyster. She holds an MBA degree from the Indian School of Business and has over ten years of work experience in Strategy Consulting and Banking.

      Author Interview: Mithilesh Kumar | The Author of Supercop or Aryavrat

      From a small town boy of Bihar, Mithilesh Kumar is now a 67 year young man of Delhi. He keeps on regularly visiting his...

      Charu Vashishtha

      Charu Vashishtha takes a keen interest in Indian mythology and loves reading out stories from ancient lore to the kids at home. Her other interests include reading, writing and public speaking.

      Anubhav Shankar

      A data analyst by profession, Anubhav Shankar has finally decided to shed his dilletante tag and give his creative side an outlet with his debut novel, Fait Accompli, an edge-of-the-seat thriller which seeks to add a new niche to the Indian thriller genre.


