Author Interview

      Sarah Khatib

      Sarah Khatib is a university student currently in pursuit of her B.A with honours in Liberal Arts. She loves everything do with the escaping reality—like every college student ever—and writing falls under that domain.Since a young age, she has used writing as a way of expressing herself, in colourful language and in colourful ways.Although riddled with anxiety, she has decided to take her first step towards a career in writing through the publication of her first book, “When the Stars Whisper”.

      V Kumaraswamy

      V Kumaraswamy is an alumnus of IIM, Ahmedabad. He has been working with some of India’s top corporates for last 35 years. Now as...

      Adi Pocha

      Born in 1962, Adi Pocha is a writer, film-maker, based in Mumbai who has been writing professionally for advertising and television for the last thirty-eight years.

      Jay Veloso Batista

      Living on the mid-Atlantic shore of the United States, Jay Veloso Batista is an author specializing in Historical Fantasy, short stories and adventure novels. A published author of technical manuals, role playing games and poetry, in 2019 Jay published the first of his Forerunner Series novels,

      Farena Bajwa

      Farena Bajwa is a poet, storyteller, filmmaker, actor and voice-over artist. Everything she knows about art; she owes some Youtube tutorials and loads of imagination, combined with passion.


