Author Interview: Pulkit Sharma


Author Interview - Pulkit Sharma - The Author of When The Soul HealsBorn in 1982, Pulkit Sharma is a renowned clinical psychologist, spiritual counsellor and the author of the book When The Soul Heals — Explorations In Spiritual Psychology. He integrates the richness of ancient spiritual perspectives and contemporary psychology helping people reclaim their lives. The focus of his work has been on discovering one’s true self, finding one’s raison d’etre, connecting to the soul and realizing the vast potential inherent in oneself.

Pulkit is a well-known writer and has written several articles, columns and research papers for prominent newspapers, popular magazines and peer reviewed journals. Many readers who follow his writings regularly have reported gaining deep insights from them. He has also conducted retreats and workshops on spirituality, healing, yoga, psychoanalysis, psychotherapy and integral psychology.


TBE: Your new book is called When the Soul Heals. What is the significance of the title?

Pulkit Sharma: There is an eternal healer within each one of us — our soul. This luminous entity has perfect solutions for all kinds of emotional, psychological, personality, relational and behavioral problems. The trouble is we don’t know how to connect with our soul and let it guide us towards self-growth. When the Soul Heals enables the readers to connect with the healer within them and experience an unfettered healing and transformation.


TBE: What do you hope your readers take away from this book?

Pulkit Sharma: I hope that besides learning to overcome their own suffering and helping others who are struggling with emotional difficulties, the readers will be inspired to experience the depths and the heights of their consciousness. They will learn that the mind is not the source of consciousness, and that there is a sunburst realm of consciousness waiting to be revealed which will transform their lives.


TBE: Societally we’ve gotten better about talking about mental health, but there’s obviously still progress to be made. What do you feel can be done to facilitate greater discussion and empathy?

Pulkit Sharma: Although contemporary societies are more open towards mental health issues now, we still carry residue of primitive historical attitudes stigmatizing mental illness and have a long way to go. To make people feel understood and cared for we need to work on dropping our harsh judgments — it is the fear of ridicule that stops people from sharing their mental health concerns. Almost everyone is willing to talk about their emotional pain provided the world gives them an unconditional acceptance and a devoted support.


TBE: When we are mindful, we discover joy, but we also discover the pain and wounds within us, which is a difficult experience. What do you teach people about how to relate to that suffering when it arises?

Pulkit Sharma: As we are learning to be mindful, it is often the disturbing thoughts and buried emotions that come roaring to the forefront. When people are scared to go further, I remind them that nothing in the universe is ever still, and there is a constant movement through which creation, destruction and evolution come about. Likewise, the self has an innate power to heal from all traumas and negativity once we have allowed the emotions to flow freely. I encourage them to face their emotions and eventually they do find a revitalized self.


TBE: What was your writing process for this book? What literary pilgrimages have you gone on?

Pulkit Sharma: I am a trained clinical psychologist and have been practicing since 2005. I realized very early in my career that although contemporary psychology was helpful, it could neither answer all my questions and nor it could heal all my patients. The dreamer in me searched for a more profound and luminous perspective and that’s how I came to spirituality.

I read the holy books of the prominent religions of the world and made efforts to understand their spiritual essence through in-depth discussions with several religious scholars and spiritual masters. Based on these interactions, I improvised self-reflection exercises and guided meditation techniques which I started using in my practice.

The feedback from my clients and colleagues helped me fine-tune these methods and after a long period of encouraging results I decided to compile them in the form of a book.


TBE: What have been some of your favorite novels, or books that have helped you see the world a little differently, or brought particular solace?

Pulkit Sharma: I am an avid reader and have read different genres of literature. My all-time favorite books include Hermann Hesse’s Siddhartha, Lao Tzu’s Tao Te Ching, Sri Aurobindo’s Savitri, George Orwell’s Animal Farm, Robert Stevenson’s Island Nights Entertainments and R.K. Narayan’s The Guide.


TBE: What would be the number one piece of advice you’d give to someone who is currently struggling with life?

Pulkit Sharma: I would reassure the person to keep faith because all of us have an innate power to heal ourselves. Whenever we are in a difficulty, it is crucial to trust our inner voice and let it work freely. Taking support from friends and family can augment our attempts at self-healing, and I have seen cases where just one supportive relationship empowered the person to get back on track.

However, if you feel that despite trying your best to overcome the struggles there is no breakthrough, don’t shy away from taking professional help. People have huge misconceptions that they will become weaker and more dependent if they take guidance from a professional.


TBE: We live in what often feels like a crazy and stressed-out world. What do you think the world most needs today?

Pulkit Sharma: One essential rule of Zen is to do less — I feel that if people internalize this advice, they will see a major transformation in their lives. Although, setting goals and achieving them surely help us progress in life but we seem to have overstretched it. We seem to have forgotten that achieving everything is neither required nor healthy. As we slow down consciously, we experience a greater peace and happiness.


TBE: Is there anything you are currently working on that may intrigue the interest of your readers?

Pulkit Sharma: I am currently working on a book chapter dedicated to Sri Aurobindo’s integral yoga psychology along with my friend and colleague Anurag Prasad. This book will be released on the occasion of Sri Aurobindo’s 150th anniversary.

Buy Now: When The Soul Heals by Pulkit Sharma

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