Ankeshwar Mishra

The author of Sanguine Dawn


Ankeshwar Mishra has a broad knowledge of the history of India and the present socio-economic condition of the country. He has done his MA in Economics and an MBA in Finance. The author is a government employee. He is working as a Deputy Director of Administration in a reputed national institute under Ministry of New and Renewable Energy. The author has served in various departments of the Government of India like the Ministry of Defence, various scientific and research organisations under Ministry of Science and Technology. Ankeshwar Mishra has a deep passion for reading and writing and with this book he wants to connect, communicate & create awareness among people all over the globe.


TBE: Can you share something about the book that isn’t in the blurb?

Ankeshwar Mishra: Blurb is the cruck of the novel have specific matters are reflected on blurb. Lot of sensitive things like natural justice of spouse of jailed criminal who is not allowed to meet as a couple without any crime is not mentioned in blurb.


TBE: How did you come with the title Sanguine Dawn and what is the significance of the title?

Ankeshwar Mishra: It was very difficult to summarize entirely different issues i.e. terrorism, science & technology, political & social issues in a single title. Myself and my wife has done exercise for hours and finally selected the title “Sanguine Dawn”.

Significance of the title Sanguine Dawn is Sanguine means hopeful or optimistic and dawn means sunrise or first light. Hence Sanguine Dawn is the title which is common in different part of novel i.e. for solution of science and technology, terrorism, nuclear weapons, environmental issues, farmer’s solutions and various social and political solutions are provided. Solution of entire raised problems provided in this novel so it become hope of the sunrise for related people hence title Sanguine Dawn is highly significant.


TBE: What brought the idea for Sanguine Dawn and why did you want to write it?

Ankeshwar Mishra: In my previous job when I was posted in CSIR my due promotion was pending and not happened due to technical reason. I tried to apply somewhere else but again my office issued an order that due to scarcity of common cadre officers, application of CCO for other department anywhere else couldn’t be forwarded. I get tense and not able to understand what should I do?

Then my wife advised me that I should do some innovative work. Even she suggested me that keeping in view of my knowledge and ability writing of books will be the best for me.

Accordingly, I have imagined characters and started writing and result is Sanguine Dawn.


TBE: During your journey from the idea of this book to the publication, what was the most difficult thing you faced? Is there anything you find particularly challenging in your writing?

Ankeshwar Mishra: During journey from the idea of this book to the publication everything was easy and interesting except selection of publisher. Combination of selection of a good publisher and whether good publisher is interesting to publish your book is very difficult and challenging.

Ultimately a renowned publisher Leadstart agreed and I was also satisfied with their track records and then the journey of Sanguine Dawn till publishing is completed.


TBE: What do you hope your readers take away from this book?

Ankeshwar Mishra: This novel is full of knowledge and good information. As per their category readers can get productive knowledge from novel i.e. they can take formula of water saving technique, way to abolishing nuclear weapons from the world, farming at unfertile land, technique to permanent abolition of terrorism, etc. Similarly, knowledge regarding grate Indian culture can also be taken from Sanguine Dawn.


TBE: According to you what is important in shaping the world today or in the future?

Ankeshwar Mishra: There are lot of things i.e. culture, literature, resources, science & technology, religion, geography, economy and various tangible and intangible things play the vital role for shaping the world today or every in future. So combination of mentioned entire things and optimistic, humanitarian, sympathetic, and empathetic approach of the people will be important to shape the new beautiful world.


TBE: Do you read much and if so, which are your favourite books and authors?

Ankeshwar Mishra: As and when I get leisure time, I try to read some new things, ideas and research. As far as my favourite book and author are concerned. I love to read “Godan”. Accordingly my favourite author is Munshi Premchand.


TBE: What do you like to do when you’re not writing?

Ankeshwar Mishra: I am a Government employee. Hence during holiday only, I try to write something. By the way, if I have leisure time and not writing then I imagine for betterment of world and human being. I imagine how we could fulfill the imagination done in Sloka: “Sharve Bhavanthu Shukhinah Sharve Santu Niramayah”.


TBE: What was one of the most surprising things you learned during creation of your books?

Ankeshwar Mishra: Most surprising thing I learned during creation of my book is intend and intention decides everything. If we have nothing but we are dedicated to achieve anything with good intention, we can get it.


TBE: Is there anything you are currently working on that may intrigue the interest of your readers?

Ankeshwar Mishra: Now my second novel “Kiraye Ka Aanchal” has also been published recently. Under this novel three major social issues are raised:

  • Problems related to old age per sons in the nation of Shravan Kumar,
  • Various aspects of surrogacy and
  • Broader effects of Drugs.

Appropriate solutions are also provided in the novel. Next I am writing of Cast Jihad.

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